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Articles from 2020

Articles from 2020

News & Article

Series: Understanding Marine Coating Systems (Pt 2)

On this article we will discuss the hull, the second fundamental part of a vessel. Marine coatings used in the hull significantly differs from other structures of the vessel.

Series: Understanding Marine Coating Systems (Pt 1)

Here we will discuss marine coating used specifically for trade vessels from epoxy finish used in traffic-able areas to the anti-corrosive primer for topcoat.  

Carbon Nanotubes in Conductive Coatings

Nanotechnologies has found its way into coatings. More and more manufacturers are seeing the benefits of nanosized particles to be used in their formulas.  Raw materials that aim to produce stronger, more economical, more durable, more functional, more versatile products are the driving force behind these new technologies, specifically conductive coatings.   


Thinking of changing up the interior of your room but not wanting to spend excessively? Here are some tips to help you perfect a DIY home painting project! 

Cost-Efficient Formula to produce Hand Sanitisers

Following the advice on the importance of hand hygiene to combat the coronavirus COVID-19 originated from Wuhan, hand sanitisers have been wiped off the shelves in the usual pharmacies and supermarkets in Singapore. Chem On is currently carrying a hand sanitizing gel that can kill 99.9% of bacteria, virus and germs.